School Supply List
For the upcoming Kindergarten school year, you will need to purchase the following for your
❖ Backpack - large enough to accommodate a folder and lunch box
❖ Lunch box and/or small change purse for lunch
❖ Art smock-oversized (adult tee works best!) shirt with sleeves (not plastic)
❖ One shopping bag sized reusable bag- Wegmans/Dash's/Tops size works best!
Below are the additional classroom supplies that your child will need. These items can be purchased on your own or can be ordered through the Maple West PTA.
****For the items below, please DO NOT label them with your child’s name, as they will be shared within the classroom.****
❖ One large box of tissues (200 count, unscented, white)
❖ Four 3 prong folders with bottom pockets (one green, one blue, one yellow and one red)
❖ One package of pre-sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils
❖ Two“chisel tip” black dry erase marker (low odor)
❖ ONE package of UNSCENTED baby wipes
Please individually label ONLY the following supplies with your child’s name:
❖ Two plastic 2 pocket folders-any color (bottom pockets)
❖ One LARGE sized plastic pencil box (these are approximately 11” X 7” in size)
❖ One pair of Fiskars safety edge scissors (blunt tip-metal blades work best)
❖ Three large (.77 oz) Elmers glue sticks
❖ Two Black PAPERMATE Flair Felt Tip Pen in Medium (.7mm)
❖ One standard “pink pearl” pencil eraser
❖ Two boxes of Crayola crayons, 24 count OR Twistable crayons are also a good option
❖ One package of “thick” Crayola markers (classic colors only)
❖ One package of “thin” Crayola markers (classic colors only)
❖ One pair of inexpensive headphones (PLEASE-NO LARGE earbuds or OVERSIZED headphones!) Be sure to label these with your child’s name!
**Please note: Sneakers should be available daily. For safety purposes, tie or Velcro sneakers are required for Physical Education. So that supplies will last longer, please show your child how to properly use and care for his/her glue products. The importance of capping markers should also be stressed.
**** Supplies do run out and we usually ask for new supplies several times throughout the year (crayons, markers, glue sticks, pencils), so you may wish to stock up during the Back to School sales.****
ART SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR Mrs. Rauscher-please send in separately labeled ART
*ONE Fine tip BLACK Sharpie marker-please do NOT label with your child’s name!
1st Grade
❑ Plastic pencil box, approximately 11½” x 7⅝” x 2⅞” This long, rectangular size can usually be found on Amazon, at Target or Office Depot in early summer.
❑ 2 plastic two-pocket folders (bottom pockets only) ✰ Plastic folders are recommended, since these folders are for daily “take home” and “work folder” use.
❑ 2 plastic pocket folder with prongs (blue and green)
❑ 2 packs of 24 count crayons, standard colors (label individual crayons)
❑ Colored pencils (8-12 count)
❑ 1 Black Flair Pen
❑ Water-based Crayola markers, fine tip in classic colors
❑ Water-based Crayola markers, broad tip in classic colors
❑ 1 pair of 5” blunt scissors (label with name)
❑ 1 Marble Composition Books (100 sheets)
❑ Standard pencil eraser (Pink Pearl)
❑ 1 pair of headphones in a sealed baggie (label both with name)
❑ Sneakers are needed for P.E. If kept in school, a sneaker bag is helpful. For safety purposes, tie sneakers or Velcro are required for Physical Education classes.
❑ An old shirt to be worn as a smock for Art
ITEMS THAT DO NOT NEED TO BE LABELED (Teachers will do it as needed!)
❑ 2 packs of sharpened No. 2 pencils (Ticonderoga last longer and have better erasers than other pencils. Thank you for considering that brand!)
❑ 6 large glue sticks, solid only
❑ 1 4-pack black dry erase markers, low odor
❑ 1 box of tissues (200 count, unscented, white)
❑ 2 containers of anti-bacterial HAND wipes
❑ BOYS: 1 box of gallon sized Ziploc bags (no sliders please)
❑ GIRLS: 1 box of sandwich sized Ziploc bags
Supplies for Art: 1 Black Fine point Sharpie (not labeled with name)
2nd Grade
● 1 large, plastic pencil box (approx. 11”X7”)
● 2 - 12 count #2 pencils, sharpened (Ticonderoga brand preferred)
● 1 box, 24ct. Crayola crayons
● 1 8ct Crayola broad classic markers
● 1 12 ct Crayola colored pencils, sharpened
● 2 large glue sticks
● 1 Pink Pearl eraser
● 1 pair Fiskars scissors, pointed end
● 4 dry erase markers, black, fine point
● 1 highlighter marker
● 1 black Sharpie, fine point
● 5 plastic folders: red, blue, yellow, green, and 1 color or design of your choice (bottom pockets only)
● 3 3x3” Post-It Notes
● 1 pair of headphones (nothing expensive!)
● 2 boxes tissues, unscented
● 1 cinch sack w/ shorts, t-shirt, and sweatshirt *
*Changing for PE is optional, but sneakers are REQUIRED*
Supplies for Mrs. Rauscher’s Art Class
● Art Smock (an old T-shirt is perfect)
● 1 black Sharpie, fine point
● one package unscented baby wipes
3rd Grade
- 48 Sharpened #2 pencils (Ticonderoga or Dixon)
- 1 Box of 24 regular Crayola crayons
- 1 Box of 12 colored pencils
- 1 Package broad, washable Crayola markers (Classic Colors)
- 1 Pair of Fiskars scissors
- 3 Elmer’s glue sticks (.77 oz.)
- 1 Fabric pencil pouch (no plastic boxes please)
- 2 Pink erasers
- 5 Plastic pocket only folders, one of each: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple
- 1 Extra plastic pocket folder of your choice for a home folder
- 4 Black dry erase markers (low odor)
- 2 Highlighter, any color
- 3 Composition notebooks (100 page, wide ruled)
- 2 Fine point sharpie
- 1 Pair of wired headphones or earbuds (nothing expensive or large)
- 3 Packs of Post Its notes
- 1 Box of snack size baggies (last name A L)
- 1 Box of gallon size baggies (last name M Z)
- 1 Cinch sack w/ shorts and t shirt for PE ( if desired)
Changing is optional but sneakers are required
Please label your child’s supplies except pencils.
Sneakers should be worn every day for safety reasons.
4th Grade
- 7 Plastic 3-clasp, two pocket, solid color folders: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 purple, 1 orange, 1 black (please send in plastic folders so they will last for the year!)
- 4 marble composition notebooks (100 pages, wide ruled)
- 1 Pack of wide-ruled loose leaf paper
- 3 Pack of 3x3 Post-It Notes
- 1 Soft nylon zipper pencil case (no boxes or hard plastic)
- 4 packs of 12 (#2) lead pencils
- 1 box of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 1 box of crayola colored pencils (12 count, pre-sharpened)
- 1 set of crayola thin markers (10 count)
- Scissors
- 4 glue sticks
- 2 pink erasers
- 1 Black Flair Marker (Papermate)
- 1 Yellow Highlighter
- 2 Black dry erase markers (Expo)
- 2 large boxes of Kleenex tissues
- 1 set of headphones in a labeled bag
- Boys: Please bring Quart sized baggies
- Girls: Please bring Gallon Sized baggies
- D.E.A.R. Book for silent reading for the first week (a book of their choice)
- Art smock
- 1 Extra Fine Point Black Sharpie
- A labeled draw-string bag with a change of clothes (changing for PE is optional, but sneakers are required)